Stephen Fry
Saviez-vous que le fils d'Apollon avait failli brûler la terre en jouant avec le char solaire de son divin père ? Que Psyché était entourée de deux méchantes soeurs prêtes à tout pour ruiner son histoire d'amour avec Éros ? Ou que Sisyphe avait passé les menottes à la Mort en personne ? La mythologie grecque racontée par le facétieux Stephen Fry est un délice. D'un ton décalé et piquant, mais toujours avec la rigueur et l'infinie tendresse qui le caractérisent, l'artiste anglais aux multiples talents capture ces mythes extraordinaires dont la modernité vous frappe à chaque page.
Le pari de l'auteur était de nous captiver avec des mythes enseignés au collège. Il est réussi. Antoine Faure, Lire Magazine littéraire.
Traduit de l'anglais (Royaume-Uni) par Diniz Galhos. -
Mortals and Monsters. Quests and Adventures . . . __________ There are Heroes - and then there are Greek Heroes. Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek heroes. In this companion to his bestselling Mythos , Stephen Fry brilliantly retells these dramatic, funny, tragic and timeless tales. Join Jason aboard the Argo as he quests for the Golden Fleece. See Atalanta - who was raised by bears - outrun any man before being tricked with golden apples. Witness wily Oedipus solve the riddle of the Sphinx and discover how Bellerophon captures the winged horse Pegasus to help him slay the monster Chimera. Filled with white-knuckle chases and battles, impossible puzzles and riddles, acts of base cowardice and real bravery, not to mention murders and selfless sacrifices, Heroes is the story of what we mortals are truly capable of - at our worst and our very best. ___________ 'Ebullient and funny' The Times 'Entertaining and edifying' Daily Telegraph 'A rollicking good read' Independent 'Fry exhibits enormous erudition and enthusiasm' Mail on Sunday 'The Greek gods of the past become relatable as pop culture, modern literature and music are woven throughout. Joyfully informal yet full of the literary legacy' Guardian
Pre-order Stephen Fry''s bewitching retelling of the legend of Troy - a tale of love and war, passion and power - following his sensational bestsellers MYTHOS and HEROESbr>br>''Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world. The Jewel of the Aegean. Glittering Ilion, the city that rose and fell not once but twice . . .''br>br>The story of Troy speaks to all of us - the kidnapping of Helen, a queen celebrated for her beauty, sees the Greeks launch a thousand ships against that great city, to which they will lay siege for ten whole and very bloody>br>It is Zeus, the king of the gods, who triggers war when he asks the Trojan prince Paris to judge the fairest goddess of them all. Aphrodite bribes Paris with the heart of Helen, wife of King Menelaus of the Greeks, and naturally, nature takes its>br>It is a terrible, brutal war with casualties on all sides. The Greeks cannot defeat the Trojans - since Achilles, the Greek''s boldest warrior, is consumed with jealousy over an ally''s choice of lover, the Trojan slave Briseis, and will not fight . . .br>br>The stage is set for the oldest and greatest story ever told, where monstrous passions meet the highest ideals and the lowest>br>In Troy you will find heroism and hatred, love and loss, revenge and regret, desire and despair. It is these human passions, written bloodily in the sands of a distant shore, that still speak to us>br>Troy is a myth in which we seek the truth about ourselves, which Stephen Fry brings breathtakingly to life for our modern>br>PRAISE FOR MYTHOS AND HEROES:br>br>''A romp through the lives of ancient Greek gods. Fry is at his story-telling best . . . the gods will be pleased'' Timesbr>br>''A head-spinning marathon of legends'' Guardianbr>br>''An Olympian feat. The gods seem to be smiling on Fry - his myths are definitely a hit'' Evening Standardbr>br>''An odyssey through Greek mythology. Brilliant . . . all hail Stephen Fry'' Daily Mailbr>br>''A rollicking good read'' Independent>
New book from Penguin, Michael Joseph coming soon.>
Poète déchu, critique dramatique acariâtre, vieux libidineux aigri confit de misanthropie, ted wallace est un inébranlable rationaliste et un ennemi tonitruant des bonnes manières.
Alors qu'il vient de se faire mettre à la porte du journal pour lequel il écrit, il se voit investi d'une mission secrète par sa très charmante filleule jane : soulever le mystère de swafford hall, demeure du richissime lord logan. david, le fils de la maison, détient-il réellement le pouvoir de guérir les gens ? armé de flair, d'esprit critique aiguisé et de whisky, ted wallace va arpenter le château à la recherche de la vérité.
Un roman où humour et sarcasme bousculent l'intrigue.
Le choc frontal entre Michael Young, thésard en histoire à Cambridge, et le professeur Zuckermann, vieux physicien obsédé par l'une des périodes les plus sombres du XXe siècle, va changer l'histoire, littéralement. Mais pour cela, il faut aussi compter sur une pilule miracle, sur le rival oublié d'un petit teigneux autrichien et sur la fatale élasticité du temps. Le pire n'est jamais certain, mais le mieux ne se trouve pas forcément non plus là où l'on attendait...
Stephen Fry is an award-winning comedian, actor, presenter and director. He rose to fame alongside Hugh Laurie in A Bit of Fry and Laurie (which he co-wrote with Laurie) and Jeeves and Wooster, and was unforgettable as General Melchett in Blackadder. He has hosted over 180 episodes of QI, and has narrated all seven of the Harry Potter novels for the audiobook recordings. He is the bestselling author of four novels - The Liar, The Hippopotamus, Making History and The Stars'' Tennis Balls - as well as three volumes of autobiography - Moab is My Washpot, The Fry Chronicles and More Fool Me. Mythos, Heroes and Troy, his retelling of the Greek myths, are all Sunday Times bestsellers.>
New book from Penguin, Michael Joseph coming soon.>
Dérapages incontrolables ; Dr House et Mr Wilde
Hugh Laurie
- Baker Street
- 20 Novembre 2014
- 9782917559536
Avant d'incarner le brillant Docteur House dans la célèbre série télévisée américaine du même nom, Hugh Laurie était encore plus connu en Angleterre pour ses sketchs comiques avec son comparse de toujours, Stephen Fry, écrivain et immense comédien dont la carrière embrasse aussi bien le théâtre que le cinéma, la télévision et la radio. De l990 à 1995, le public anglais est resté sous le charme de leur duo hilarant à la BBC, dans lequel ils interprétaient des textes écrits de leur propre main. Ce livre présente pour la première fois en France des sketchs tirés du recueil correspondant à leur première saison, parmi les plus drôles, les plus mordants, parfois absurdes, qui font penser aussi bien à Monty Python qu'à Harold Pinter, d'un humour extravagant, original, et so British.
Pre-order Stephen Fry''s Tie Talk now - the perfect gift for the tie-wearer in your>____________br>br>Every single one of Stephen Fry''s ties - whether floral, fluorescent, football themed; striped or spotty, outrageous or simply debonair - tells an intimate tale about a moment in Stephen''s>br>Inspired by Stephen''s hugely popular Instagram posts, this book will feature beautiful, hand-drawn illustrations and photographs to celebrate his expansive collection of man''s greatest clothing companion: The Tie, in all it''s sophisticated>br>Distinctively funny and offering witty asides, facts and personal stories, this book will make the perfect gift for anyone who has ever worn a tie.>
Adrian Healey est un menteur compulsif et invétéré. Il est jeune, beau, très intelligent, extrêmement cynique, sans scrupule, spirituel et tricheur. Ses excentricités, son homosexualité tapageuse et ses provocations en font le héros scandaleux de son collège. Du moins, tant qu'il en fait encore partie... Des années plus tard, un de ses professeurs l'entraîne à son tour dans une aventure rocambolesque. Avec un humour décapant, des dialogues caustiques pleins d'esprit, Stephen Fry fustige l'hypocrisie et bouscule la bonne société anglaise.
Mondialement célèbres grâce à leurs rôles dans des séries populaires comme Dr House ou des films à succès comme Oscar Wilde, Hugh Laurie et Stephen Fry se sont d'abord fait connaître en Angleterre grâce à la comédie. Ce recueil réunit certains sketchs de la série A Bit of Frey and Laurie, un de leurs premiers et plus grands succès, diffusé de 1987 à 1995. Avec un humour loufoque et décalé, ils nous embarquent dans un périple aux limites de l'absurde à la rencontre de personnages inoubliables.
Un humour so british à savourer sans modération, servi par deux génies comiques, parmi les plus brillants de leur génération.
But an unfortunate confrontation with a boy in his school results in a prank that goes badly wrong and suddenly he's incarcerated - without chance of release. Inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo, Fry's psychological thriller is written with the pace, wit and shrewd insight that we have come to expect from one of our finest novelists.
Mortals and Monsters. Quests and Adventures . . . br>___________br>br>There are Heroes - and then there are Greek>br>Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek>br>In this companion to his bestselling Mythos, Stephen Fry brilliantly retells these dramatic, funny, tragic and timeless tales. Join Jason aboard the Argo as he quests for the Golden Fleece. See Atalanta - who was raised by bears - outrun any man before being tricked with golden apples. Witness wily Oedipus solve the riddle of the Sphinx and discover how Bellerophon captures the winged horse Pegasus to help him slay the monster>br>Filled with white-knuckle chases and battles, impossible puzzles and riddles, acts of base cowardice and real bravery, not to mention murders and selfless sacrifices, Heroes is the story of what we mortals are truly capable of - at our worst and our very>___________br>br>''Ebullient and funny'' The Timesbr>br>''Entertaining and edifying'' Daily Telegraphbr>br>''A rollicking good read'' Independentbr>br>''Fry exhibits enormous erudition and enthusiasm'' Mail on Sundaybr>br>''The Greek gods of the past become relatable as pop culture, modern literature and music are woven throughout. Joyfully informal yet full of the literary legacy'' Guardian>
A number one bestseller in Britain, Stephen Fry's astonishingly frank, funny, wise memoir is the book that his fans everywhere have been waiting for. Since his PBS television debut in the Blackadder series, the American profile of this multitalented writer, actor and comedian has grown steadily, especially in the wake of his title role in the film Wilde, which earned him a Golden Globe nomination, and his supporting role in A Civil Action.yes'>#160;yes'>#160;yes'>#160;yes'>#160;yes'>#160;yes'>#160;yes'>#160;yes'>#160;Fry has already given readers a taste of his tumultuous adolescence in his autobiographical first novel, The Liar, and now he reveals the equally tumultuous life that inspired it. Sent to boarding school at the age of seven, he survived beatings, misery, love affairs, carnal violation, expulsion, attempted suicide, criminal conviction and imprisonment to emerge, at the age of eighteen, ready to start over in a world in which he had always felt a stranger. One of very few Cambridge University graduates to have been imprisoned prior to his freshman year, Fry is a brilliantly idiosyncratic character who continues to attract controversy, empathy and real devotion.From the Trade Paperback edition.
L'île du Dr Mallo Roman « Lorsque Simon Cotter arriva en Angleterre dans un jet privé, à l'automne 1999, sa réputation d'aventurier de la finance l'avait déjà précédé. Que personne ne sût d'où était sorti Simon Cotter avant cette ascension ne faisait qu'ajouter au mystère. » Qui pourrait en effet reconnaître le jeune Ned Maddstone dans cet homme à l'attraction magnétique ? Vingt ans plus tôt, Ned est victime d'une machination diabolique qui le conduit sur l'île du Dr Mallo, dans un goulag politique. Lorsqu'il réussit à s'évader, il ne songe plus qu'à exercer sa vengeance.
Le Net et sa toile infernale vont lui permettre de mystifier à son tour ceux qui l'ont détruit. devient une redoutable machine à tuer. Le comte de Monte-Cristo lui-même n'aurait pu imaginer plus subtile revanche.
Britain's best-loved comic genius Stephen Fry turns his celebrated wit and insight to unearthing the real America as he travels across the continent in his black taxicab. Stephen's account of his adventures is filled with his unique humour, insight and warmth in this beautifully illustrated book that accompanies his journey for the BBC1 series.
Britain's best-loved comic genius Stephen Fry turns his celebrated wit and insight to unearthing the real America as he travels across the continent in his black taxicab. Stephen's account of his adventures is filled with his unique humour, insight and warmth in the fascinating book that orginally accompanied his journey for the BBC1 series.
Fry's english delight: series 3 - read by stephen fry
Stephen Fry
- Bbc Audiobooks
- 30 Septembre 2010
- 9781408467497
Explores the highways and byways of the English language in four programmes, as heard on BBC Radio 4. This title includes: "The Trial of Qwerty"; "He Said, She Said"; "Accentuate the Negative"; and, "Future Conditional".
Stephen Fry arrived at Cambridge University as a convicted fraudster and thief, an addict, liar, fantasist, and failed suicide, convinced that any moment he would be sent away. Instead, he befriended bright young things like Emma Thompson and Hugh Laurie, and he emerged as one of the most promising comic talents in the world. This is the engrossing, hilarious, and utterly compelling story of how the Stephen the world knows (or thinks it knows) found his way. Tales of champagne, love, and conspicuous consumption jostle with insights into Broadway and TV stardom. A feat of trademark wit and verbal brilliance, this is a book unafraid of confronting the chasm that separates celebrity from a young man's personal reality.
General & literary fiction/Short stories/Classic fictionForeword by Stephen Fry, a massive fan of Wilde's work. as well as an introduction to each short story and what the stories mean to him.